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Loteria cards

A playing card is a piece of specially prepared heavy paper, thin cardboard,
plastic-coated paper, cotton-paper blend, or thin plastic, marked with distinguishing
motifs and used as one of a set for playing card games. Playing cards are typically
palm-sized for convenient handling.
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Early History
A complete set of cards is called a pack (UK English), deck (US English), or set
(Universal), and the subset of cards held at one time by a player during a game
is commonly called a hand. A pack of cards may be used for playing a variety of card
games, with varying elements of skill and chance, some of which are played for money
(poker and blackjack games at a casino). Playing cards are also used for illusions,
cardistry, building card structures, cartomancy and memory sport.

Loteria Cards
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Loteria Cards

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